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rent a carProvider bad, rates large, web sites bad and every thing complicated. Just try to find the vehicle you would like using one of this websites above and you'll see. No other providers can be obtained on the market. Just forget about AVIS or Budget or other favourite agency.

Extra costs of automobile rental

Besides the rather large costs a day, you're going to have to pay 10-20 CUC per day in insurance, a deposit (with regards to the company but you can repeat this together with your credit card) therefore the full container of fuel (which will be not complete). And of course the gas you certainly will consume during your journey.

When going back your car or truck you will need to pay a 100 CUC good in the event that you performedn’t read our guide. (Not that they ask if you see clearly, due to a trick they pull with the contract. The cost of perhaps not reading CubaConga can be instead large).

If you opt to rent a car or truck we explain not only how to avoid the 100 good but additionally what to do in case there is a-flat tyre (likelihood you get one about 80per cent).

Lease a motor vehicle with a driver for less

You might opt to rent a car with a driver. Many Cubans lease tourist automobiles for not nearly as expensive you are able to. They fill them up with stolen gas and drive taxi for hours.

To get these types of a taxi, ask you casa specific or go right to the Viazul section. This will add at the least 10 CUC to your price therefore just book one journey (let’s say Havana-Trinidad which will cost you about 80-90CUC for a whole car). After that communicate with the motorist and negotiate charges for all trips you want to make. But you will need bargain difficult! This really is a quote we received from for Havana-Camaguey (580 kilometer):

Hola Sr. (a):

Ante todo un saludo y gracias por su comunicación con nosotros. Sobre
su solicitud el precio de ese recorrido sería de 390.00 CUC ida, age ida
y vuelta de 430.00 CUC.

This is certainly a preposterous cost since I’m able to perform this trip for 90! (And you should be able to do so for approximately 110)

Advantages of this method:

  • You employ the car when it's needed. If you wish to invest several days in a place you don’t pay.
  • It’s a great deal cheaper in gasoline. You'll have to refill your container in the state gasoline place at 1.40 CUC/litre. Your driver buys it on black-market for one half that price.
  • He understands his method around and that can work as helpful tips. You should have meal and supper in inexpensive locations where provide great solution and great food.
  • You won’t get any fines.
  • When your driver becomes your friend you will have a friend through your activities.
  • it is very relaxed to let somebody else perform some driving. He understands neighborhood problems and realize Cuban traffic much better than you do.
  • You simply will not get a-flat tyre.

We describe in how to get and negociate these types of a bargain.

You should know

That probability of stepping into any sort of accident is quite low additionally the likelihood people have hurt is also reduced. Yet not 0! If you go into any sort of accident with accidents you will possibly not be allowed to leave the island untill the investigation is completed. That might simply take monthly or more… On a yearly basis several dozen tourists get stranded regarding the Island.

Leasing a car or truck in Cuba differs. Almost anything is different in Cuba so please ready your trip! Review our guide for a lot of even more advise about how to ideal deal with Cuba. Review this to comprehend our back ground and depth of knowledge…

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